Sunday, December 18, 2005

Uruguay cost of life

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Uruguayan moneyFinally i'm making the big step, or one of the big steps, or one step in the way, or ... whatever. I'm moving with my girlfriend, and my budget is in crisis. I figured out that the info about how much does it cost to live in Uruguay may eventually help someone somewhere, or at least it will be fun to compare.

Here goes one table with prices for some consumption items, that I hope will serve as example.

Item Peso UY USD Comment
Lunch at restaurant from 60 to 150 from 2.5 to 6.25 Places where you sit, and there's a waiter
Dinner for two in a fancy restaurant from around 350 to 700 from around 15 to 30 appetizer, main course, dessert, good wine for both
Lunch at Mac Donald's 84 3.5 MD is not considered a cheap meal
Movie Theatre/Cinema from 50 to 105 from 2 to 4.4 105 weekend price
Theater around 200 around 8 pitty is so expensive
20km taxi drive in Montevideo around 200 around 8.3 from carrasco to ciudad vieja
Urban bus ticket 16 0.7 this is a very expensive price for a generally bad service
1 lt of gasoline 31.6 1.32 ooOOOUCH!
Renting a one bedroom apartment in a fancy neighborhood from around 4000 to 5000 plus common expenses from around 170 to 210 neighborhood being pocitos or punta carretas
Renting a two bedroom apartment in a fancy neighborhood from around 6000 to 8000 plus common expenses from around 250 to 330 Two years ago prices were half of what they are now
Electricity bill around 1000 around 40
Phone bill from around 1500 to 3000 from around 62 to 125 five person house, one teenager
Water bill around 300 around 12
cable tv bill around 500 around 20
internet broadband (256k download) from 800 to 1250 from 33 to 52 armed robbery
Renting a two bedroom apartment in a fancy neighborhood from around 6000 to 8000 plus common expenses from around 250 to 330 Two years ago prices were half of what they are now
Kilo of Potatoes around 10 around 0.42
Kilo of apples around 12 around 0.5
Kilo of bananas around 17 around 0.7
1 lettuce around 6 around 0.25
Kilo of fatless grinded meat around 80 around 3.3
Kilo of beef loins around 95 around 3.96
1 lt milk 10 0.42
1 loaf of bread 10 0.42

Is it expensive? cheap?

I don't have the mean income info, but if i have to guess it, i'd say for 70% of the population it's below 1000 usd, making everything rather expensive.


gabouy said...

thank you very much jess!, so far so good :)

Anonymous said...

I should move from Santa Barbara, California to Montevideo....your city I could afford! Stacey

gabouy said...

make sure you keep the same income ;-)

Anonymous said...

sigan conociendo mi querido uruguay les falto todas las costas todas las playas salud uruguay!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

For some time I have been considering a move to Uruguay, but unable to locate more information to immigrate. Is there somewhere that has information like property ownership, taxes, residency requirements etc. I currently live in Venezuela and find the living costs between the 2 countries are similar except for the cost of gasoline where it is $0.025/liter in Venezuela.

Anonymous said...

Great information-Very up to date as I am here now.Need a good contact in Uruguay for sp business.
contact me at

Anonymous said...

Hola, I want to move my entire family to Uruguay,everyone is a working student,we just hope we can make it happen.thank-you for your site, do you have any information on emergency medical workers(paramedics) in Uruguay?or nurses?we are taking Spanish classes.thanks, Christina.

gabouy said...

christina, im planning on posting about health care & education in uruguay somewhere in the future, so please stay tunned.

thanks guys for the feedback,

Anonymous said...

Your information is much appreciated. I previously lived in BA, Argentina and visited Uruguay for about a week. I am now considering moving there from Florida, US with my husband. I am 30 and he is 50. Not sure how we would go about finding work. Any advice on this and moving there in general would be appreciated. We will be selling all belongings in US as I have dealt with the international moving hassels before. Thank you in advance!

Anonymous said...

A useful posting... thanks. I visited Uruguay for the first time last year and liked it so much that I'm considering buying a chacra in Colonia department for my retirement. As a resident of Treasure Island (UK) the prices you quote seem tiny.

I'll be over again in October to talk to tax lawyers :-)

Anonymous said...

Nice little blog this. I am from the UK and info on Uruguay is suprising sparse to come by, let alone details such as cost of living. I have thought of living in Uruguay as the cost of living and houses is very cheap. have some nice articles on Uruguay if anyone is interested.


Anonymous said...

excellent information we are moving back to uruguay soon , we would like to know more about prices of private universities such as ORT and universidad catolica thank you for your input nos estamos comunicando , my name is ana chau

Anonymous said...

Very good info, just what I was looking for. How does the cost of living in Montevideo compare to the cost of living in Buenos Aires? Which city is more expensive? This question is addressed to those who are familiar with, or have lived in, both countries/cities.

Few people are familiar with Uruguay. In my opinion, Uruguay, along with Argentina, has the best quality of life in South America. Chile has also made a lot of progress.

Anonymous said...

My parents are looking to retire to Colonia in Uruguay, are there other cities for retirees besides the ones in colonia-Nueva Helvecia?
Any info on real state, health care and safety of this city will be greatly appreciated.

Anonymous said...

If you're planing to purchase or sale real state in Uuguay I strongly recommend you contact "Inmobiliaria Praino", The owner'a name is Cristina, she is owesome and the number is 480-8305

Anonymous said...

I a young 56 thinking of retirement. Rent and food looks affordable in Uruguay. Are US citizens welcome in this part of the world?

Anonymous said...

Going on vacation there soon. Thanks so much for the $$ info. Very helpful!

Anonymous said...

tell me more, tell me more! the price of bus fare, the price to purchase an apt!, price range of trendy clothing. The club scene for us in our early-mid 20's.. =)

Anonymous said...

1 bedroom ap. cost around 30.000 to 50.000 US (NEW), if you want a 2 bedroom ap. you may have to pey around 50.000 to 80.000 US (NEW).
Cars are very expensive too... the smallest new car costs around 10.000 US. A mid-size car, like de Corolla is around 26.000 US.

crepuscular-homunculus said...


thanks for your terrific blog. you mentioned broadband internet. is there connectivity throughout uruguay or only in cities/towns?

also if you had three large dogs and needed to rent a house with a large back yard in a nice neighborhood of montevideo which neighborhood would you choose? because when i look at the satellite images from houses in montevideo do not seem to have backyards very often, would you say that's true.

thanks again,

gabouy said...

hello polypus,

Broadband connection is NOT supported throughout Uruguay, at least not yet. The biggest ISP provides this url to check given a phone number it is within a supported broadband area.

Regarding neighborhoods with houses with large backyards, check out Carrasco, and Punta Gorda in Montevideo.


Anonymous said...

thanks gabo_uy!!

those two are too expensive for me as far as i can tell from the real estate sites. i hope i can find cheaper areas with back yards. i've been thinking of living in colonia too, have you been there?

my wife is a wine growing expert and wants to work in the vineyards in uruguay. she's actually going down in one week to investigate. which town/city would be a good place to live in if we wanted to be close to the vineyards, keeping in mind that i need broadband because i do mostly web work from home?

thanks again for all your great info. when i get to uy i'll have to buy you a beer :)

gabouy said...

hey beer, is always welcomed! :)

AVS said...

Hello everybody !!! I am uruguayan IT and Business consultant living in Uruguay, so it is my homeland. I would be very pleased by helping people interested in comming down. If any one need or just want to know something specific, just drop me some lines to and I will try to find the info for you.

I can communicate in english, italian, french, portuguese and even german (basically).

Cheers !!!

Anonymous said...


Regarding your monthly expenses, I think you are a little off. Prices might be ok, but what a person makes in Urugauy, Montevideo in particular is from U$ 100 to U$ 200 a month. That is for a normal person, without a real good job, so as you all can see, life in Uruguay is very expensive. That doesn't mean I don't like it, it is a beautiful country, worth to visit.

gabouy said...

pat, I concur with you, life in uruguay when taking into account average income is expensive. But I don´t quite agree is that a normal person makes 100 to 200 in montevideo.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gabo
Very nice blog, muy informativo, thanks. I was just looking at the real estate listings on the observador, and am a bit confused about the currency symbol they use. It's this - U$S. Does this refer to US dollars, or Uruguayan pesos? I kind of think it should be Uruguayan, it being a Uruguayan newspaper, but the US dollar does seem to be a ubiquitous reference point for many. Any ideas? Is there an easy way to tell the difference?
Confused in Canada

Anonymous said...

Confuse in Canada, I never saw the newspaper that you mentioned, but if you go to this web site that is from a big store there, you can see that they can show you the prices also on dollars and euro and the way they show dollars is with U$S so I will bet in the newspaper they use it the same way. But mostly you will figure out depending on the price they are offering the property. Here goes the link
hope can help you.

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presios are nice, I love to hear from Uruguay, I think is a fabulous country. thanks for telling me this information so interesting

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justme said...

This is for the confused in Canada.
If you want to check the website is
But...yes $U is the symbol for pesos uruguayos and U$S is for US dollars and it is used everywhere in Uruguay.
By the way the exchange rate in Uruguay is $20 for a dollar.

justme said...

this comment is for the person with dogs looking for a place with backyards.
There are different neighbourhoods in Montevideo with backyards but not all of them are "good" or safe neighbourhoods.
If I was you I would contact a realstate in Uruguay.

justme said...

This comment is for the person expert in wines.
I would check Establecimiento Juanico en Canelones,I really don't know if there is another company in Colonia.
Canelones is not very far away from Montevideo and if you don't live in a rural area you won't have any problems with internet.

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Family of four estimated monthly costs are 2,470$ (105,192$U) without rent. A single person estimated monthly costs are 689$ (29,361$U) without rent. Cost of living in Uruguay is, on average, 22.58% lower than in United States. Rent in Uruguay is, on average, 65.89% lower than in United States.

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If so, you need to know about Uruguay—a politically, economically, and socially stable country with a mild climate free of earthquakes and hurricanes.

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The Word Bank ranks Uruguay a high-income country with a gross national income per capita of $16.360, the highest in Latin America. Although the life standard is relatively high in Uruguay, the quality of living is much better than in other Latin America countries.

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Uruguay is the second richest country in South America, and that is largely because of its booming export business.

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Uruguay's economy remains dependent on agriculture and services. Agriculture and agri-industry account for 12% of GDP, and for about 70% of total exports.

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With a president who leads both the state and the government, Uruguay is a democratic constitutional republic today. The first place in Latin America for democracy, peace, perceived low levels of corruption, and e-government belongs to Uruguay, a growing nation with a high income economy.

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Traveling in Uruguay is not inexpensive, and you will frequently pay the same amount as when traveling in the United States and Europe. However, if you want to match the same level of quality in hotels or food, it is available, though you will have to spend a little more in Uruguay to achieve it.

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