Sunday, May 06, 2007

Ten things I hate about living in Uruguay

I've been writing about Uruguay for a little bit more than a year and a half now. The topics range from places, to food, to customs but the perspective has always been a positive one. For a change I've decided to write about the ten major things I dislike about living in Uruguay.

So here I go, this is my top ten list of things I DON'T like about living in Uruguay in no particular order,

Poverty in Uruguay

More generally speaking would be lack of resources at all levels. The consequences of this can be seen everywhere. From beggars in traffic lights, to children begging in restaurant tables, to public buildings in need of restoration, like el Palacio Salvo, to lousy salaries for university professors and doctors. It can be depressing.

Conservative & lazy mentality

This one is hard to explain. There's a popular phrase that portrays it well, which is "es lo que hay"(…valor). Translated would be something like: it is what there is, it's the way it is, meaning don't complain and put up with it. If something is wrong, sometimes the answer is not let's change it, but rather "es lo que hay" it's the way it is. This is one part of the problem.

On the other hand lots of people look up to bankers and public employees as low effort, high paying jobs. Like they are the role model to follow. It's a twisted logic, where the "smart one" (el vivo) is the one who works less and gets more, to put it somehow, and if he cheates the state in the process and gets away with it, then he's even smarter.

Risk taking and enterpreneruism is not encouraged in Uruguay to say the least. There's a rather pesimist mentality regarding endeavours, business in Uruguay doesn't work, and if it work is because there's some monkey business going on. That's pretty much the Uruguayan mentality regarding business.

Uruguay services

Uruguayan services are usually not good.This is not a service oriented culture. Here the customer is NOT always right, in fact he seldom is.

One example, sometimes in restaurants the waiters make you feel like they are doing you a favor putting up with you. If your request is not standard then you've gained an enemy. If you phoned the empanadas delivery and they brought you something wrong, or in a bad state, you don't have many options. Being a small population, there are few service providers, and sometimes you don't get to complain, you put up with it, or you quit consuming the service, which sometimes is just not an option. Picture that with cable, phone, electricity, water, restaurants, food deliveries, and you'll get the idea.

Uruguay's Taxes

Added value tax stands for a 23% of the total value of most products. This makes for expensive imported products, which are 99% of them. Buying tech stuff is a matter of waiting for someone you know to travel north and buy one of whatever for you.

Lack of jobs and opportunities in Uruguay

Uruguayan market is very small, if you specialize in some subject chances are that the market won't pay your specialized skills, meaning if you are a PhD and you stay in Uruguay don't expect to make money. This is another emigration helper.

Public transport sucks

Schedules are not strictly respected, frequently services are missed, buses travel packed. Some neighborhoods are very badly connected, and on top of all this is a expensive service. One urban bus ticket is worth 0.65 USD.

Old population

Uruguay's population is old, we are only three millions and 12.8% has more than 65 years old, and it's stands out.

Public employee's inamobility

This was born as a solution to a former problem, but the cure ended up being worse than the original disease. Years ago every new government would change all the public institutions staff. To restrain this from happening they passed a law that makes virtually impossible to fire a public employee. No matter how inefficient an employee is, he will never be fired. The result is bureaucracy hell in Uruguay. Again, you can complain, but you feel like won't gain much.

In theory is possible to fire a public employee in Uruguay, but I guess in practice there must be a huge felony involved, and tons of evidence to support it, like videotapes, and an army of witnesses.

Increasing insecurity

Uruguay is known to be secure, and comparatively I guess is still is, but everyday less, and if compared to the Uruguay I was born it's very insecure.

Money is expensive in Uruguay

Getting a loan to buy a house or to start a business is very hard to get.

Some of the provided loans to buy real state require an income that only has like 20% of the population (1000 usd) , plus they don't lend the total of the amount of the real state, but more like 70%, meaning you have to save by yourself 30% of the total.

Final thoughts and conclusion

I know, I know, you are thinking: if it's so bad what am I still doing here, right? Building this list wasn't easy, there's a lot of subjectivity involved. Sometimes it's hard to separate syntomps from causes, plus some of the items are related, I feel I could go on ranting for ages. There's a good graffiti here that reads: "Don't complain, emigrate!"

The truth is there are a lot of good things also, that I'd like to write about in a future post.



notimportant said...

All the problems you have mentioned exist in most western country - but more. The law doesn't allow for begging in public places so you don't see the poor in other countries but they exist. I find the waiters here very polite and willing. Telephone, cable and all such services finction very efficiently here. When you don't have money you cannot buy property in any place in the world.
But the main question: what do you do to eliviate the situation in your country?

Brazzie said...

Hi Gabo, interesting article, good food for thought.

Of the things in your list, one is really baffling to me: the quality of service in general. Tourism in UY is represents such a large percentage of the economy that one would think it logical that the quality of service would be good. But it is not. Mediocre would be a better description, never terrible but rarely good.


gabouy said...

Hi Brazzie, thanks.

I've to agree completely with you, uruguay services in the tourism sector are on average mediocre. My take is there's some level of schizofrenia on whether we want to be regarded as a tourism country or not. I guess there's a banana republic image that goes with the "tourism country" that might not be helping us.

Notimportant, I don't quite agree with you. If the listed problems are shared with other western countries that doesn't make them any less of a problem.

When you say, "when you don't have money you cannot buy property in any place of the world", that's actually not true, in some countries like chile, banks provide loans for the 100% of the property's worth.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gabo - very interesting, especially to hear it from a Uruguayan. I know from reading your other posts that there are many things you like about your country.

It must be difficult to for a small economy between giants. Most of your list is driven by economics or economic incentives (or lack of)... it would be interesting to hear the economist's persective on cause, effect and possible solutions.

I still have hope for Uruguay!

IBMike said...

Hola Gaby, Very good post! It seems like a lot of the online information about Uruguay takes a defensive posture and only shows off the good side of the country and life here. It's refreshing to see some of the warts talked about in public!

There seems to be a common thread running through all of your points ... the economy. From what I've heard there have been too many years of protectionist policies that protect the richest 5% of the country or the civil servant. There doesn't appear to be a strong voice for those (the young especially) who really want change. Those who won't tolerate the climate here for business and entrepreneurs simply give up and move to a country where they think they'll have a greater chance of success.

Yesterday I took a cab ride out to Carrasco Airport to free a computer memory chip from Dirección Nacional de Aduanas (Customs). The cab driver and I a chatted the whole drive out there (30 minutes). The entire theme of the discussion was the lack of opportunity here, the difficulty of creating businesses and then he told me about his family in Canada and Australia and how well they are doing. In my humble opinion it should be this nation's number one priority to create a business environment that encourages innovation. That is probably the only way to stop the exodus of the young to North America, Europe, and Australia. First step would be to stop the exodus, the second would be to make Uruguay so attractive that those who have left will decide to return and bring with them what they have learned abroad.

So, what are people's ideas on how to bring about change? For one, I'd like to see the removal of all import taxes. Especially on high technology items. People need technology to be able to compete on a worldwide basis. Without import taxes technology is expensive for the average Uruguayan. With import taxes it's impossible to afford. So, maybe not only remove the taxes on technology but offer incentives to companies that import technology. One more thing. Cheap, if not free, Internet service for EVERYBODY. :-)

Anonymous said...

The worst things are crime that in the last years has been rampaging and corruption.

I personally blame the leftist government.

Anonymous said...


Enjoyed your article, particularly since you're a citizen of Uruguay.

Coastal Uruguay made some similar observations in a recent post. In particular, your point about the, "Conservative Mentality."

We'll be doing another article with a link to your post to reinforce what we've said.

Thanks for having the courage to point that for all its promise, things are not perfect in UY!

Anonymous said...


Enjoyed your article, particularly since you're a citizen of Uruguay.

Coastal Uruguay made some similar observations in a recent post. In particular, your point about the, "Conservative Mentality."

We'll be doing another article with a link to your post to reinforce what we've said.

Thanks for having the courage to point out that for all its promise, things are not perfect in UY!

Unknown said...

I remember many years ago, my uncle telling me about his dealings with officialdom. He would have to set aside entire days just to process forms for a loan or for some government document. Most of this time was spent queueing. He often saw people gut upset and angry at the system but he learned to 'aguantar nomas'. If you made a fuss you went to the back. Suddenly it would be found that you had missed something and you would start again. Sometimes you could threaten them with the army in those days, but by the end even the army had had to 'aguantar nomas' and had become a slave of the beaurocrats. Strangely, the one place where the system seemd to be efficient was in the processing of the 'cedula'. I was expecting it to take forever but there were six women in the office and they were like automatons. I have never seen people type faster and I was finished in half an hour - and this was despite the fact that my papers were far from regular! I often wonder how it was that a country that was so progressive in so many ways came to grief. There is a saying- "design by committee" and that is the impression I get of Uruguay which is sad because the people I remember were quite clever and would find someway to make things work in the face of adversity.

gabouy said...

bill, it was fun to read your "aguantar nomas" it sounds as the previous version of... "es lo que hay".

btw, you are right, the cedula processing is by far the most efficient public workflow in Uruguay, they must be aliens or something.

Diegzor said...

I agree with you abour public transport services in uruguay. They are just terrible. But let me ask you one thing, does anyone do something about it?

Almost all the people I know complain about this, yet they keep voting the same authorities election after election.

And that's one thing that I hate about living in Uruguay. People complain, but few have the will to analyze how they got in that situation or what they can do to change it.

Anonymous said...

yea??I am not so sure want to go but have right a paper over it my -name is marc

Unknown said...

One thing that always irritated me about Uruguay was the way everyone would always say things like: "we are only a little country...", as if they wanted to be "mimado" for it. Often I got the impression it was just an excuse for not doing anything and for being envious of "bigger" people.

Thorn said...

hi gabo, I just found your blog and want to introduce myself--please feel free to read about me at and our blog on moving to UY--but what caught my eye was the need for decent tech stuff...if you know someone that needs something let me know, we have some extra items we brought and don;t need--ipods, memory sticks, cameras, etc.

gabouy said...

adam & leandra, welcome to uy!

Regarding your excedent of tech stuff I suggest you try to sell it at mercado libre. It's the south american partner of ebay.

Unknown said...

I think "mediocre" is the best way of convey the idea of Uruguay, and its very sad because we have potential (specially in the IT sector). Anyway, very long story and I want a short comment :-)
The thing I hate about living in Uruguay is the cost of living... is soooo expensive.
Even if you have a relatively well paid job, you barely survive!

(BTW, did we mention that Uruguayans love to complain about their country?)

gabouy said...


we uruguayans love to complain about uruguay

Unknown said...

Hey Gabo...interesting posts. Now i have a second thought of setting up a business in Uruguay...I suppose Uruguay is only good for vacation. Actually,I am thinking of migrating to Uruguay with my parents. I saw the pictures of Montevideo and I suddenly fell in love with the city..."quiet, humble, conservative"...Sure? I think I am in love with the people too..hehehehe

gabouy said...

siti, actually there are a lot of companies that come and make a profit out of Uruguay, my point being setting up a business is not straightforward or easy but can be accomplished.

Again, my advice for anyone studying the possibility would be to come and do a scout visit.

Anonymous said...

Do they use standard credit ratings for mortgage loans there, like in the US?

Unknown said...

Hi everyone,
I am one of those Europeans who settled in Uruguay and few of the uruguayans seem to understand why on earth I did it (by the way, I'm 33 not 66 :-) and came to live here when I was 29). I must admit that most of the things Gabo says I find are true, especially the "es lo que hay" mentality and the lack of opportunities for professionals when compared to the US or Europe or maybe some much more well-off countries of South America (e.g. Chile). But let me put a different perspective on this issue, not because I disagree with Gabo (I agree on most points less the waiter issue), but because the list of comments seem to have turned into a blog where everyone feels good because everyone is assured of how bad things are and we can all cry on each other's shoulders.
First of all I think that one has to face the fact that Uruguay is a poor country and thus will not be able to provide the kind of assistance to its labour market, credit system, agriculture, etc. as rich countries and strong economic blocks do. This of course is not making any of us happier, but it's a fact. Having said that, I could see some spending on public wages be shifted elsewhere.
I fully agree that the mentality in Uruguay towards making business is negative: it's not worth it, it's impossible, it will not work. But I can say from my own experience that if you go along with your determination, if you have done your homework and made a good market research, your business idea has as much possibility of success as anywhere else. And if you're a foreign citizen you can take up a credit in your country for your business-- by the way, in my country (Hungary member of the EU since 2004) banks provide a maximum of 80% of the value not of the property you want to buy, but of the auction value (determined by the bank) of the property you put up against the loan (and of course this 80% never equals or surpasses the value of the property you purchase). Within the EU, state or community assistance to businesses can only amount to a maximum of 50% of the total budget of any one project.
It's true that wages (but not all wages) are generally very low compared to the cost of everyday life in this country. State-run services such as electricity, telephone and internet are expensive-- state intervention IS too big in deed. What I don't find that terrible at all is bureaucracy. One thing about Uruguay that I like is that you can achieve a lot with a big smile and you can almost always find the guy who is capable of making a decision. I found that no matter how bad the situation (I managed to get a passport for my daughter in less than 4 hrs on a day when there was a strike in public service..), I can resolve things much faster than in Europe. In Europe bureaucracy has no face -- you never even learn who is the guy, department, bureau that eventually takes the decision. The official way of things is the official way of things and there is no way around it. If a passport takes 3 days to issue, it takes 3 days to issue, full period.
I do agree that one of the major problems of this country is "el sueño del pibe" (the dream of the boy) of getting a state job, no mater how bad it pays or unchallenging it is, and stick to it for the rest of their lives. This adds much more to the lack of entrepreneurial spirit and risk taking, as the lack of incentives from the government does. Why would anyone want to develop, learn, risk if he/she is always told that it’s safest not to?
What I would like to say as a foreigner who adopted Uruguay as her home is that it's a place with problems, but it’s also a place with a very strong human element, something that is lacking almost completely in most industrialized societies. I don't think that Uruguay is for everyone, as there is no one place that everyone would equally like. But more and more people from the northern hemisphere find this country to be their adopted home. And one thing I like about Uruguay is that waiters and cashiers don't make me feel that I hassle them. They actually converse, make me feel home.
As for poverty, I see very few people who actually try to go out and do something about it. Civil society is one thing that awaits to be built in Uruguay.
Sorry if someone finds this comment somewhat lengthy :-)

gabouy said...

anna, thank you for your comment, it's refreshing to read a different perspective on uruguay, especially coming from someone who has adopted it as home, that's always welcomed.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it better myself. I was born and raised in Uruguay but I have been living in the US since 1996.

It is EXTREMELY hard for me to go home (my family still lives in Montevideo), because of ALL the things that you mentioned in your blog. Service? what is that? I have walked out of shops at the Punta Carretas Mall (Vicky to be more exact) because the girls behind the counter were more interested in carrying on a conversation about their previous night partying than about helping me. I was ready to drop some money but I didn't. I then went on to send an email to Vicky and to this date I am still waiting for a response or apology.
"No avanza ni el atraso" is how I would best describe it. Business mentality? That is another foreign concept. I tried to order something online for mother's day from Tienda Inglesa but I was unable to do so because a message saying "due to the overwhelming amount of orders, the only thing we can ship at this time is the "rulo de chocolate cake" with a gift certificate" came up on the front page of their site. Overwhelming amount of orders? Can't they hire more people? It is not like there is a lack of work force... I was there last year and tried to order sandwiches from Confiteria "Las Gaviotas" for easter, but they ran out of bread the day BEFORE easter. It would be like saying that Mc Donald's ran out of hamburger patties! Enough said...

Anonymous said...

yes, maybe is true, all you said...but..u forget the kindness, warm, love and close relationship thath this lovely country gives...
perfect country doesn´t exists anywhere...maybe in other countries everything works perfect, but...who wants the perfection??
yes, we are a poor country, our administration sucks,the mentality sucks, but other countries have almost perfect services but people are lonely, selfish, agressive and extremely too are those people, but...i dont know...I love Uruguay, is my country. I see all its like your saw they with the negative and the positive things...but you love them, and when you have a afective-relationship with-everything change the perspective.

Anonymous said...

PD: We are poor, with long time ago of bad political administation, a heavy state- several people very mediocre and lazy-but is not everybody.Uruguayan shine in every country they go.
We dont have the lucky to have born in a rich country....but let me tell proud to be uruguayan. In everywhere we go, we do a amazing role.We are educate people, with a great culture...and this is more than many rich countries can say.
Ask an european or a north-american citizen any question about the world...they only know their-petit-world.
But uruguayan have more cosmopolitan criteria.

Anonymous said...

hiii... i'm uruguayan and i don't know how i ended here but it's such an awesome blog =)=)

however, i'd like to know where are you from, why did you choose Uruguay to talk about, are you related with uruguay??

bueno.. un beso y saludos... seguiré visitando el blog :):)

by the way, en realidad opino exactamente igual que vos en todos los aspectos que escribiste sobre este país, pero también creo que hay más cosas malas y que se podría hablar durante días igual sobre los prooblemas de este país, pero te diré que poco a poco las generaciones van buscando nuevos horizontes, si bien dentro de mis planes estaría la emigración, pirmero agotaría todas las posibilidades de cambiar las cosas en este país, de camibar la mentalidad de la gente

bueno... sin mas
un saludo grande
Leandro Cantera

Anonymous said...

Hi.... I'm German, 21 years old and for some time I was living with an Uruguayian family in Uruguay... I've seen and lived many of the problems you have talked about... especially the economic issue, I wondered and I still don't understand how people can get along with their small salaries to buy all the things that are necessary to live...
What I liked most about Uruguay was the human thing... and I think that is what matters... they received me with so much love and without any prejudice... and I enjoyed the calm.... because there you really feel the time, you are concient of it... whereas here in Germany where I'm now, time is running and disappearing and I don't know where it has gone, there are so many things to do, and I am all the time doing things, and at the end of the day when I think about what I have done all the day, I think, u strange, time has passed but what have I done?...
So... in my opinion... Uruguay is good for the heart :-)

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm..... and I think public transport is in fact bad there, especially in the countryside... but there are always nice Uruguayian people who allow you to travel with them on the back part of their vans...
And I think, Germans could learn to... arreglarse un poco mejor con lo que hay... instead of complaining about things that, in fact, go more or less well.
What was surprising to me was the cedula thing, here you get your cedula a month after 'ordering' one, and a passport after about six weeks .. but they send you a letter at your home when it has arrived at the communal office ;-)

Andre Gemini said...

Can I ask you to start a new thread like "What can we do to improve Uruguay" I can make quite a substantial contribution to such a Blog. There is a fairly big English speaking community in Punta, people wih money, and influence. We do however need every bit of local help we can get.

cat said...

I can hardly wait to visit Uruguay. The more I read, the better it seems. Some of the negative aspects mentioned here, for me they are positive.

Like this German, cheli, said:

" What I liked most about Uruguay was the human thing... and I think that is what matters... they received me with so much love and without any prejudice... and I enjoyed the calm.... because there you really feel the time, you are concient of it... whereas here in Germany where I'm now, time is running and disappearing and I don't know where it has gone, there are so many things to do, and I am all the time doing things, and at the end of the day when I think about what I have done all the day, I think, u strange, time has passed but what have I done?...
So... in my opinion... Uruguay is good for the heart :-) "

And he was 21 when he wrote that. When you get older, you will really see how time goes. :-)

Niveisx Inc. said...


I Couldn't Avoid To Read Some Of The Ironies You Have Mentioned In Your Reply...So Let Me Give You Some Piece Of Advice [To Better Inform U.] U Know?

I've No Idea Of Where In The World You Live. But I'm Pretty Sure Provably Know At Least 1 Person Who Lives In NYC...That's Where I Live.

So Please Allow Me To List Down The "Real List"

Panhandling [Begging] In Public Places.

-- If This Were The Case, There Would Be A Traffic Jam [Grid Lock] In Every Major/Main Street In New York City...

There's Bums At Every MC Donald's Entrance, Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts, Public Library, Etc.

Bums Sleep On The Steps Of Churches Or At Any Other Intersection.
There 'R' Also Panhandlers At Traffic Lights As Well...Just "Like In Uruguay".

How About You Add The Black [Niggers] Population To That...'N' There You Go To Take A Walk At A Subway Station Carrying An IPod...I Hope Luck Is On Your Side, Because Otherwise Is Most Likely That Some Nigger/Latin Will Beat The Shit Out Of You Just To Robb You.

The Service Sector

I Personally Agree About The Approach You've...But I Would Also Like To Let You Know That Although A Waiter In NYC Will Not Let You Know Directly If You Piss 'Em Off. In Most Cases They Will "Talk Shit About You" From A Very Reasonable Distance, So They Make Sure You Hear Them...That's If They Didn't Pack Your Food With Their Bare Hands Already.

The Phone/Cable/Internet Company/Service Provider

--Time Warner Cable Is The Major Internet/Cable/Phone Provider With Verizon Following It In Second Place...I've Had Service With Both Companies 'N' They Both Suck. Not To Mention They Rip You Off...

If It Wasn't Because They 'R' A Monopoly [For Now] I Wouldn't Even Have A Service With Them At All. Because Their Product Is Deplorable.

Or Do You Consider A 6 Mbps Connection To Be Efficient? Remember We 'R' At The Boom Of The Digital High Definition Era.

Also Remember That In "Japan" People Enjoy A Bandwidth Of 26Mbps. You Would Say...Who Cares? It's Japan. And That's Exactly The Point My Friend. Is Just Japan...This Is The So Called Capital Of The World And It Has a 6Mbps Bandwidth [If You 'R' Lucky.] I've A Depressing 2 Mbps...And I Pay 48 U$$ Per Moth For That Garbage That I Can't Even Use To Have A "Decent" Uninterrupted Digital IPTV Experience.

Trust Me. I've Tried To Countless Times To Watch IPTV Using Joost. So Many That My Girlfriend Got Mad At Me Because The TV Transmission Was Being Interrupted Every 15-20 Seconds.

Do You Consider That A Good Or Even Decent Service For It To Be Coming Form The Major Service Provider In The So Called "1St World Country"?

I'm Really Sick Of Hearing The Bullshit Of How The United States Is A World Power When Indeed I Know It Is Not...Because Everything In Here Is Falling Apart.

If You Don't Have Money You Can Ask For Loans.

My Uncle Just Got. Well...It Was About 2 Years Ago, But When He Built The Second Floor In His House, He Took A Loan Of 200.000U$$ So Yes You Can Ask For Loans. Just Make Sure You Pay Your Bills On Time And Then You Can Have A Nice Credit History. If That's Your Case. Then You can Get Anything You Want. There's Other Options 2.

I Don't Believe That When A Country Is Falling Apart A Single Person Can Alleviate Anything At All...

That Take A Collective Wake Up...
If Not. Government Action.

Anonymous said...

Gabo_uy, is so good to hear somebody else feel and express what I have felt for so many years. Every single one of your 10 reasons were my years ago. I personally think that Uruguayan are smart, have a lot of knowledge and are well educated in their mayority but, the part of the mentality is what always kill us! Yes is true Uruguay is a small country, so what? can that stop us from being also the best? Only the way we think and act on it, is what will make us and our country. Living there most of the people use the inginuity to do less or do bad things, in place to put themself apart from the rest for it. It's true what some people say about the no matter where Uruguayan goes they do great things, that prove that we can do it but because the mentality is don't reward the smart, the hard worker, the one that do an extra mile that nobody try it. And I don't know if things have changed a lot but when I was there used to work two jobs, one was Banco Republica the other a private company. Still don't get it why people want a public job... I was making about $15.000 pesos when I left the Banco and about $50.000 on the private sector. I guess never was a tipycal Uruguayan because every time the Banco have a dia de paro (strike day) I asked why? they never knew, just told me that the association ordered. Well, then when the association figure out why let me know and if I agree with it I will go to the streets with everybody else for the moment I contined working. I guess in part the possibility that was never a office, group of people or anything anybody could go to, to do some changes push me to the only decision I found possible...if I could not make a difference there I will go where at least I could do a difference for myself. So, I left. But then I found out that there are other places where you can do what I was doing and people appreciate it. You go to work always on time, work hard...don't dream of talking, drinking mate or eat tortas fritas in the office or you wont' last half of the day working!!!( I still have friends in Uruguay that can do it at work!!, and not I never did it!even never was able to lear how to drink mate) People work until they take break or lunch time, then yes you can talk to your co workers, eat, drink whatever you want but while you work the time is for the company. In other words what I always did in Montevideo really work for me here and was rewarded for it...go figure!!!! Unfortunately I belive its too much buracracy there, you don't get a job because you are the best qualify for it,like here. You get it because you know somebody at high level on that office!!! and that's why the "mentality" keep on going without changes. It's a pity because we could be proud of the country and our people if we all think and act the same way. Leave behind what others get for doing nothing and try to top it!! Think what you can do for you, your family and your country and be proud of it and if we all act that way and push down the burocracy I believe we can get back to be the "tacita de plata" that we were some time ago!!! I love your site and hope keep getting a better idea what is Uruguay today with all your comments and beautiful pictures, thank for doing such a wonderful job, is really good to be able to remember the good times thru your blog. Car

Anonymous said...

As a Uruguayan living abroad for the last 10 years, I can say that all these ten things are correct. The mentality is really like that but Uruguay is NOT A POOR COUNTRY. Most people are poor because because a tiny minority is rich. The land there is RICH but in the hands of very few. The great majority can't hardly make it and young people are forced to leave if they want to be independent from their family.

itoT said...

If you want to know more about Uruguay, in profound levels regarding politics, society and sports enter this blog, I reccomend it:

Anonymous said...

First of all thnx a lot for this blog.I start to learn more about Uruguay.For my self I am orginal from Netherland ( very very small country - 15th place for Biggest economy )But I live for the last 7 years in Thailand - and when I read all the problems of Uruguay I feel very ok with it , because you will see them everywhere.But my Question is can somebody like me emigrate to Uruguay and start a Company.And does the " company " provide me a work/year visum.So that I not have to border cross.And every country can be Cheap or expensive , depent on your lifestyle I guess .In Netherland I made 7 years ago about 1800 euro a month.Was ok to live from.In Thailand I make double the money and it is ok to live from ... because in Thailand you pay crazy prices for school , like 200 to 800 dollar a term , and there are 2 term a year and when you have 4 children like me ... Wow ( Netherland school is free )If there is somebody who can help me to find the info about to emigrate to Uruguay I would be really thankfull.

Anonymous said...

I think that the worst thing in uruguay is prostitution. Its very easy to find girls under 18 as prostitutes in almost every neighbor.

its terrible
i know what im talking about. been living for almost five years


rodrigo said...

im 23years old and lived 18 years in the States. Unfortunately i had to leave because my stupid parents overstayed their visa and ruined any chance for me to live in the states legally. So here I am, and after 6 months of being here I have tos say that progression does not exhist here. Tuition in Montevideo is free, but in order to maintain an apartment you have to work a shit job that pays you upto $400 US a month if your LUCKY. A car worth $500 in USA is worth $12,000 here, not like you would want to drive here because theres more people that disobey traffic laws than abide by them. Every day I see entire families including babies on motorcycles with no helmets speeding and blowing stop signs. People die every day for the stupidest reasons. You wonder why police dont enforce laws and thats because they consist of a corrupt generation of militants that were trained by the U.S. during " la epoca de los desaparecidos".

My uncle got his truck stolen and drug trafficing cops called him telling him that they knew who found it, but that they weren't going to do shit becuase the crime is so fucking bad in certain areas of montevideo, that theyre too scared for their own lived to even drive by these places. I went there 2 weeks ago and a water pipe burst underground leaving half the city without any running water for two days.
The only people who see Uruguay as a paradise are those who have an obscured view of it.. tourists, and the small percentage of rich people who buy property east of Punta Del Este... and the pesimistic young folks who havent had their dreams shattered yet.

gabouy said...

hi rodrigo, im sorry about your family having to leave the US over a visa problem.

Uruguay is no paradise, that´s for certain, but then again nowhere is. I´ve had the chance to travel enough to see that. Everywhere is lacking in one way or another. For once it just doesnt sound right that a country that was created out of inmigrants is now turning their backs on them, and sending families "home" after 18 years of living there. I as a principle wouldnt like to live in a country where I´m not wanted.

Anonymous said...

i dont blame it on the country, i blame it on my parents. I do not function as a member in this society. Theres no opportunities. I cant go back because of my status. I dont want to live anymore

gabouy said...

1. Fell out of love with the U.S. it's kicks out entire families who've been living there for decades and that's just not right.
2. Don't be so hard on your parents it's not entirely their fault hundreds of families are in your situation. The problem is systematic, and the solutions provided by the u.s. so far are lame.
3. There's a world out there, outside the u.s. full of opportunities, what would you like to do with your life?

vanessa said...

Hi Gaby ,
I really enjoy hearing your point of view and everyone elses on the situation in Uruguay. I was born in the US but lived in Uruguay when I was a little girl for a few years. I love all the memories I have from when I lived there. I think the children enjoy there ninez over there alot more than in the United States.
Now speaking about the economic issues over there. I think it is like everywhere else. There is no country that is perfect. I strongly disagree with the way Rodrigo speaks about Uruguay like if he was ashamed of being from there. Like I said I was born in the US but consider myself Uruguaya and I do not understand how he can speak about his country the way he does. It is like he is un " Uruguayo arrepentido ". U should always be proud of where u r from. I love Uruguay and the United States. There are many things that Uruguay has that are beautifu. One of them being the way the people are. I love the culture of Uruguay. I will close this note stating that I hope to one day go back to Uruguay and take my kids and husband over there so they can love Uruguay the same way I do. Hope to read more of all u guys opinions.
besos , vane

Anonymous said...

Hola a todos!

You know, you could take out the word "Uruguay" from many of these comments and put in "Finland" or "Norway" instead! I'm a professional emigrado (multiple citizenships) and find that none of my countries save Canada could in principle be called a "land of opportunity". Finland uses the "we're just a small country" as a last resort (if the usual "everything works just fine and better than most other places here in Finland" won't suffice).

But Uruguay is light years ahead of either Norway or Finland in that we have a programme (which I assume many here have never heard of) that aims to keep up contact with, eventually repatriate and retain professionals from Uruguay! Neither "high-tech" Finland nor "verdens beste land / best country in the world" Norway even have an inventory of their professionals whose talents are being wasted (or exported to take American or Canadian jobs)! And it's not that we haven't made presentations to their governments about these systems for reducing waste. But they just sit there and do nothing about the problem! At least our republic is smart enough to try to solve the problem, even if it will take some time and real initiative.

I will definitely put in a report and some suggestions for action plans in connection with my involvement in the programme, on the basis of what I have read here. In my travels and living in Nordic and other EU countries, I can tell you that I have met a few very lovely people and many who are outright "evil".

I think we are still despite everything much more "innocent" in Uruguay than in the EU and I will go out on a limb to say that we are in definitely more humane in character than in the Nordic countries.

Emigrado del Uruguay en Finlandia

Anonymous said...

HOla Rodrigo, I am sorry to hear your story. I was born in Uruguay but now live in New Zealand. You are young and know English well. Why dont you try to come to New Zealand and try your luck. Emigracion is offering a one year visa for young people from 18 to 30 years old to come to New Zealand to work. Its call "Working, Holiday Visa" Go to holiday programe There is life outside the US and Uruguay. You are young...What do you have to loose?. God bless you!! Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

I live in London England, and it costs 8 dollars US to take the subway one stop. I live in the suburbs and its 17 dollars USto get to downtown. All the problems u mentioned are identical in London..Bad trains, poor service...nothing works, shoddy products, its very very rough.shabby buildings,, Most single people can only afford to rent a room and then share bath/kitchen with strangers. Very expensive and most people sruhglle to make ends meet, London Uk cn be very Third world

Michael said...

I am an American, my wife is Dominican. I've lives outside the US for around 5 years now. My business requires 1-2 bilingual operators, so my primary reason for leaving the US was cost savings. My wife lost her US residency because she stayed out to long, so going back to the US is a 1 year process I really don't want to do.

I currently live in Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic. We lived for 1 year in Costa Rica and 6 months in Bogota, Colombia. In March I got seriously ill because of an infection from the dirty conditions here. I spent 5 days in a coma and almost died.

I'm looking for a cleaner, less congested place than the Dominican Republic. Uruguay impressed me after watching a Travel Channel special. Until reading this blog it seemed like a great place. Most of the complaints I here are the same I've heard here and in Costa Rica. Colombia was very organized, but I could not find English speaking employees during my stay.

Couple of questions:

1) Is it any worse than the places I've listed above?
2) Is the internet stable enough to support 768Kps up/down all the time, and can I get service from 2 providers.
3) Is medical insurance and health care decent? I am healthy now, but after almost dying, this is important to me.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.


gabouy said...

1) Is it any worse than the places I've listed above?
Worse in what sense? I´ve been to Santo Domingo & Bogota. Uruguay is less crowded than both, and probably more secure. I find it difficult to believe you had issues finding english speaking persons in bogota, I´ve known a lot of people from there with the best english in south america. Regarding finding employees in uruguay able to read and write fluently in english while this is possible (im not an exception), the abundance of those resources depend I guess on how much you are willing to pay.

2) Is the internet stable enough to support 768Kps up/down all the time, and can I get service from 2 providers.
Internet is in my opinion stable but I´ve known people coming from abroad to complain about it. Speeds for adsl connections are on the range of 512kbs-4Mb download/128kbs-1Mb upload. Usually hotels have crappy and shared connections, and visitors are exposed to this.
While you can get more than one provider (ANTEL, Netgate, Movistar) at the end they all sub hire to ANTEL (the state provider) which owns all the infrastructure. They provide differences in rates, and quality of service, and customer care, but if there´s a problem with the infrastructure is probably affecting all of them. Thankfully this is not frequent. Electrical Blackouts are on the order of one per year on average, and internet downtimes in the order of 4 times a year according to my estimations.

3) Is medical insurance and health care decent? I am healthy now, but after almost dying, this is important to me.
Health care in uruguay can be divided in three layers.
The free one you get from the state. Which is crappy, but hey it exists.
The regular one, based on "mutualistas" being hospitals were you are charged a monthly fee of around 1000 UY pesos, or if you have a job it´s part of your payment, which covers most of the normal stuff, with quality of service that varies depending on the hospital you are affiliated to. And sometimes you may have to wait a couple of weeks to schedule an interview with an specialist. Not being an emergency.
The third layer is premium service, comparable to the best of american health care, through some premium hospitals or health insurances, blue cross for example, or the British hospital, available at monthly fees ranging from 2500, to 5000 pesos or more (120-240 USD). In order to be accepted into this services you have to go through a strict health check procedure.

hope this was helpful,

regards & good luck,

Gaby said...

Tenia ganas de ir de turismo por ahi, despues de 20 años que deje' el pais, pero leyendo tu post (que por otro lado es muy bueno y comparto muchas cosas que dices), se me quitaron las ganas.
Adios Uruguay...Mejor recordarte como te vi, que ver en lo que te has convertido. :(

Susana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

This is so true that is sad... i live in Uruguay and I must say i hate the way the average uruguayan is, that's the real problem as u mentioned it. Im willing to get a good job (if I find one, really tricky) and go away from here as soon as I can, I feel like caught knowing I wont get out if I dont do somethin

Ada said...

I was born in uruguay 62 years ago, I remember the old uruguay of very clean streets and a well organized public hospitals,with the footpaths not so uneven like now, I migrated to australia in 1977, then australia was like uruguay was in the 1930's 1940' and 50's now australia is the country where jobs are shipped to asian countries, almost every week some factory is closing down leaving workers wondering where they will find a new job, and australia a country with lots of natural resources (minerals etc)and many workers they can not afford to buy a house nor to rent one..back in the seventies jobs and money were plentiful and full time jobs with overtime work to make money for a house was a common thing, but the australian dream has gone down the drain just like our beloved uruguay when in past times the good life was like if there was not a tomorrow..

goucho said...

hello i was raised in paysandu uruguay and returned to the u.s.a 1989 at the age of 16 i recently made a trip back and what a change for me it was being used to one way of living and going back a decade or two ,i could see a person really disliking a country once they lived elswere like the u.s.a its like your a coustomed to driving a ferrari and going back to a pinto ,i love the country and plan on moving back,were one is able to stop and smell the roses.

Anonymous said...

Niveisx Inc. - ... You are the quintessential miserable, unhappy New Yorker (NY) with the penchant for sullying everything. You managed to "dirty" an informative blog with nasty racist comments.

I am duly happy that you are in NY and not UY.

On a better note, this blog was a wonderful read.

Hope said...

I was born in Montevideo,Uruguay, and left it at the age of 23.
I've spent the other 23 years in Britain.
The one thing I have not read yet in comments, is the rotten behaviour of men towards women, especially in the streets of Uruguay!
The one thing it bothered me the most as a teenager, while living there, was the insults and dirty propositions I used to received from men!
I am very much doubting they have changed their ways, and I am pretty sure they still treat women like they were mere sexual objects.
I used to get back home in tears at first...
I was relieved when I stopped listening all the obscenity, once I left Uruguay...
I have suffered the worst poverty and lack of opportunities when I lived there. The education (which unfortunately was while the military government was on power), was appalling, the teachers were never turning up for the lessons...
Basically, I couldn't wait to leave!
The one thing I miss is the gorgeous food, that only the people "of the River Plate" can cook, and of course the beautiful beaches and coast line.
I wish all the men over there would one day learn to behave like human beings towards women, and could understand one day that insulting, specially young girls (like I once was) does not make them more men but less than nothing!

CelticSun said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jarry said...

Having lived in Uruguay for over a year now, and after having lived for 8 years in Costa Rica, I am very happy to be in this place.

As I was born in the United States, it is interesting to talk with Uruguayans, and to notice that they have very little appreciation for how lucky they are to live in Uruguay. Some do. Some are highly aware of just how incredibly wonderful Montevideo is. Some are well aware of the sophistication and charm that this city has to offer.

Maybe the lure of fast money for some Urugua
yans makes them fall for the trap of believing it would be better in the USA. But I for one, would not trade for all those bleak cement parking lots that North Americans call a city. And all of my friends back in the USA are stressed out, over-worked, angry, depressed and brain-washed to think such a situation is "life".

So far, we have loved every moment of our new life in Uruguay. We have no complaints.

We have only one question that continues to come up in our conversations. Why are so many of the women rude and cold? Why do they dress so badly? Why do they try to look so unattractive? If I am going to be treated rudely in a cafe or store, it will usually be at the hands of a woman. Were they raised badly? We have decided that it is the result of a highly matriarchal culture.

Other than that, life is beautiful for us in Uruguay.


Westy said...

Gabo, the problems you noted are real and they can be stifling. But I don't think they disqualify Uruguay from the eyes of another.

I've visited enough places around the world to see that you can often trade one set of problems for a different set, but no country will be perfect. Also, you might feel those problems more keenly than I do - or vice-versa; or you might encounter problems that I wouldn't face, because of my different circumstances.

Being a lifelong resident of the Washington, DC area, I'm aware of factors and features (especially in the social-life aspects and the behavior of the general populace) that disappoint and frustrate me. OTOH, being newly retired myself (and living in a house I paid off before I retired), there are pressures and problems that don't affect me as they would a younger person in the job market. And my encounters with the people of Uruguay, though only on two visits (one official, one as a tourist), left me liking the people and the country even more.

Wish I could sit down with you right now, on the low stone wall along the Rambla in Pocitos, and share some yerba mate while we talk out all the problems we see in our respective countries. Because, frankly, my limited experience of Uruguay was "la vida tranquilla" for me. (Hopefully, though, you could make allowances for the fact that I speak fluent "portunol"...)

Buena suerte, or is that boa sorte?

Anonymous said...

I'm uruguayan but I'm living in Canada for more than 20 years. I'have traveled to many countries, but I've notice that young women in Spain behave the same way as young women in Uruguay. Rude, agressive, macholike. I've observe this also in NY and here in Toronto. But is not the total population, it is a sector, less educated or with mediocre jobs. This is not to said that you wont find the same in the opossite case.

Anonymous said...

Y porque no te vas del país y TE DEJAS DE JODER??? Fucking stupid!!

Anthony said...

Hey, I'm 21 years old and I've (so far) lived a full year of my life in Uruguay. Interestingly enough, I find your list of shitty things about Uruguay thoroughly accurate, however, it doesn't change my love for the country nor for the people. Being a smalltown Canadian, it was no easy task adjusting to the crazy Montevidean lifestyle that I soon found myself in. But I swear that there is something magical about the place. For example, being a foreigner there isn't many people I'm acquainted with, but during a few hours en el Centro I usually run into people I know. Its just like the Nix commercial.
I agree with "Hope": the way that Uruguayos treat Uruguayas is fucking despicable! It actually makes me sick that some men can be such dogs! It is one of the few problems that I have with Uruguay.
Another is the insensitive mentality. One day I was getting robbed on Eduardo Acevedo one block from 18 de Julio by a child wielding a knife in broad daylight, and even though the street was crowded NOBODY DID ANYTHING! That was a bit of a disappointment.
Aside from these minor issues YO AMO URUGUAY and I realize that the problems we face here are faced in numerous places throughout the world. Sure there is poverty, a lot more than in Canada, but its not worse than Somalia, North Korea, Haiti, etc. I believe that we need to count our blessings, and be happy that Uruguay isn't any worse. Vamo arriba!

Thanks for the articles, Gabo.

PS. I'd pick Montevideo ANYDAY over Buenos Aires!!!

Anonymous said...

I read that Uruguay has huge tracts of agricultural land, but that less than 12% of it is used. I was thinking about moving to Uruguay and buying a farm, but after reading this blog I'm starting to think this would be a really bad idea. I dont want crime, women who go out of their way to appear ugly or macho, dispicable men who make course comments, children who rob you on the street with knives, an additude that says "hey theres nothing you can do about it" taxes at 23%, I mean... I have some cash, think I can make things work, but hearing all this it sounds like moving to Uruguay would be a dumb move. somebody please change my mind, I was really looking forward to going there next year to look at available property, but now I dont know.

Unknown said...

Anonymous thinking of buying a farm in Uruguay: I'm from the US, and lived in Mexico for 15 years. The U.S. is full of crime, it's just that we don't put full color pictures of the bodies on the front pages of the newspapers. If we did, nobody would want to live there. Now I want to leave the US because I think it's going to be an even more dangerous place to live, soon. What I have found about Mexico is that the regular people will give you the shirts off their backs, their last taco, despite their grinding poverty. Men are macho anywhere I've ever been, women have to be careful everywhere. It's a mans world. As for the regular women, if you are exceedingly polite and nice to them, chances are, they will be courteous to you. They don't like to be treated like servants, even if they are your servant. Rich people in Latin American countries are snobs, only fraternizing with other rich, and not in the same category as the regular people. Taxes in the US, probably end up being about 50%, since we have multiple levels of taxation, even death tax. And there isn't even any universal health care. If you did have a ranch in Uruguay, you should be very humble and meet your neighbors, learn their traditions and customs and become part of the community. And thank God that you are so blessed to live there. I am hoping to have a horse ranch there someday, and know that I would be very, very lucky indeed, if I can make it happen.

Anonymous said...

All the negative things written here are true. It's a shitty litle country. Do not come here for business. You will not succeed It's true about the women, they all have this horse face and really strange and unsexy bodies, at least the temptations are few.

Anonymous said...

I would add another thing: Uruguayan doesn't love foreigners.
They envy you up to the moment you are living abroad, then, once you become a resident, forget to get friends in this very colesd mind country.
Unsatisfied foreigner

Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm from Uruguay, I was born here and I have lived here all my life. I'm 40 years old. I've been to Europe many times, mainly to the UK and I think Uruguay is a great country to live in. I would never go to live in Europe, the cost of living is too high, the weather is horrible, there's also insecurity and taxes are not much lower than here. Rich countries vs poor countries? I don't agree with that dichotomy. There are rich people and poor people, but does happiness have something to do with loads of money? Today Uruguay is at its best, Brazil our biggest neighbour is a very powerful country with a great standard of living and an exploding economy and fortunately is our main commercial partner. Uruguay is the best country in Latin America to live in. Nice weather all the year round, no floodings, no earthquakes, no hurricanes or tornados, good economic situation, many jobs on offer, great beaches, friendly people, beautiful scenery and no pollution, isn't all this enough? Many Germans and Russians and every year mora and more are already living in the area where I live enjoying my peaceful town.If you want to get further information about living in Uruguay
and want to move here, you can contact me
But remember... perfection does not exist anywhere on Earth.

evenlessimportant said...

Hello "notimportant"... Uruguay is a western country!
Opportunities in South America? Go to Brazil, the 7th largest economy in the world... really booming... very industrialized... and the beaches are much nicer!

contact said...

Hey all --- a question for a heart longing for more people time and less modern interaction. Is is possible to get things you need sent form the us? or else where? If they are not available their- what are the hurdles for getting packages?

Anonymous said...

Anyone care to comment on El Basural in Montevideo?

De todo un poco said...

I am an Uruguayan I live en U.S.A, I be glad to help any body w questions . said...

It won't truly have success, I believe so.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with the ten points you mention. Uruguay is great for kids and old people, but it really sucks in between as it is a country that does not offer much. The mentality of people here is really small and they are afraid to think big so life is always the same. The country doesn't allow for people to grow as it is so corrupt and only a few people take the good side of the pie

charrua said...

Well, it´s very simple. If you don´t want to live in Uruguay you just can go and live somewere else. Nobody ask anyone to come to live in Uruguay and nobody hold you there eighter. If you don´t like it just go or don´t come.

Anonymous said...

A good thing about Uruguay: one day it will disappear...

(I'm Uruguayan)

Badaboom said...

Live in Rome, most Americans I have spoken to, usually think Italy is an advanced country. I lived in Rome for a year and found it to be far worse than Montevideo.
I also lived in Iowa (state of the USA), like many states within that country is backwards, close minded and there are no opportunities for new business.
Uruguay is the size of Iowa, with a population of less than 3Million of people and a huge increase of the old population.

Anonymous said...

Most of the people I know from Uruguay are kind of snobs, the only thing they want is money, wich maybe is the same with people from other countries.

Anonymous said...

If you fall in love with an uruguayan , he is going to break your heart

Anonymous said...

To the girl above, baby all men break your heart No matter where they are from, men are men! ;(

Anonymous said...

I live and was born in Australia with both parents from Uruguay.people say were lucky ti live in Australia we mite be.we work and we work and that's all we is so expensive here and hardly no family time.women that say men are aggressive to women in Uruguay come here and that will change your mind.crime is every where. it's what they want you to hear that gets out.a lot of crime in Australia but they don't publish it.I been around alot of countries from the USA to Asia Mexico al over south America europe and I love Uruguay people are simple easy goin enjoy life with a lot or with so little. doesn't matter if you got a sport car or no car.people want to know about you interested who you are how your day to say good day.conversation in uruguay is not about how good your are how much money you have it's about let's get together to have a mate play futbal or make asado.people forget that sometime simply life is better than a material life.I'm 34 yrs old got a business in Australia doin ok but it's very hard here.were you need 1500 dollars a week to live here.were in Uruguay $1500 a month your set.A house on the beach or close to the city your looking at over 1million and 7% interest were in Uruguay with 100 thousand you get the house in the city or beach.Im looking in moving there ive got a five year plan for anyone else that is thinking of moving To Uruguay Go for it if you do things smart you will be very happy

Anonymous said...

I love this! Yes yes yes . Pah-lease. I'm Uruguayan, currently living in the states but I have visited for long periods of time. Let me tell you and write the toughts of many, Uruguay has excellent potential. &for people to really put aside money matters and are ,with choice but willingly living in Uruguay just for the contenent of the country's character, has to mean something. -Proud Uruguayan .... PS; I will be going back, permenantly.

Anonymous said...

I also live in Australia.It's great country fot robots but not for humans. If you like to be lonely without friends come to Australia.I will be migrating to Uruguay soon.

Anonymous said...

I'm from the USA and I'm very rich and the USA is the best place in the world. I travel all the time and could be in Montevideo in the morning if I wanted to. I spent some time in Uruguay and I think it sucks ballz and is a really sad place to live. I blame the government for taxing the piss out of everything and the lazy people. Every woman I met wanted me to lay around her apartment with her and bang her all day....LAZY! I Ws so happy to leave that old gray dreary bleak country!

Anonymous said...

I'm from Uruguay, raised n living in good ol (USA) :( , east coast is the best, unfortunately I had the insane notion to go live invitacioneshe middle the country actually the Tristate area now there's a breed of lazy whining crying insolent shisty dirtiest (inbred) people , perfectly good city garbage bins and they throw trash out the front. N back door of their singlewide using the poor land/properties like personal landfills only in the Tristate area never seen it in the east coast area. Wrongful thinking thinking humans can be owned as slaves doesn't do well with the rest of humanity now they are reaping what they sowed. It's why the north had to set things right. So it stands to be said that even the us is not the perfect place to live every place n country has their best areas and things and their worst its called the world.

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Anonymous said...

you mean its what we have not its the way it is

Anonymous said...

you re right on the 5th and 6th things

Anonymous said...

and you forgot the dirty capital montevideo

Anonymous said...

Go to Lebanon you will see worse... And New York Yikes it's one of the dirties places ever.. Look you get what you get, instead of complain look at the bright side, we don't have earth quakes, or tsunamis, it is a peaceful country. And if you got half a brain you can get a job.

Anonymous said...

About public transport, I'd say it must depends where you live.
I live in Punta del Este and I decided to never have a car because the bus transport is superbly efficient here. The bus line Montevideo-Punta del Este is absolutely excellent: always perfectly on time, confortable. The local lines to go around town are very frequent and I actually enjoy them very much: the open windows when nice fresh air, the variety of people taking them, the friendly atmosphere. I love public transport here!

NYA said...

Well let's talk a bit, almost everything you said is true, i'm not sure about the service, because i'm to poor to even go to mc donalds with discounts. There are plenty problems in this country and nobody seemed to mention the corruption of this socialist goverment (idk i just skimmed after reading over 50 commentaries) Losing plenty millions in "pluna" and the most recent one, "ancap" its always the same goverment to make this dreadful desitions then making some human laws like the abortion and gay marriage. Well... "Pan y circo" am i right? Making bad awful desitions but then good ones to make the population and the world forget how bad this is going. I've heard from my teachers that politicians althogether gain 26 millions per month. My family of 7 member survive with 10k pesos. And if you truly are uruguayan you will know that that amount is not even acceptable as minimun wage gap. But anyways i can rant about economy with out knowing much about it because i'm currently starving using a public pc but i wanted to talk about "the loving and nice people" in uruguay the loving people are almost all fake, of course i said almost. but what i mean is that most of them are too busy trying to survive that they don't have time to be assholes. But of course i kinda agree with the nice people but i don't really see it unless they have lived with you or near you for plenty years, after that, they are going for your money.

I like how many honestly asks why the youth is leaving uruguay, the answer is at plain sight. man, if i had money i would had gone to sweaden long time ago.

Maybe the goverment is corrupt, or maybe they honestly think they can pull up a social goverment with no money nor importations. About the business thing, well most companies are getting into the state power, i'm not sure how to say it in english but what i mean is that there are no private companies, the goverment is slowly getting rid of them, ancap was an example of it.

Well i dont mean to sound salty or anything, in fact i know a lot of what i said is wrong but i need to know what is wrong to change my point of view, so please enlighthen me

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